Universidade de Vigo
Universitat de les Illes Balears

Multilingualism Workshop

January 08, 2024

On 15th December, Prof Elena Seoane co-organised, together with Xandre Rodríguez, the First Xornada de Multilingüismo. Plenary speakers Montse Comesaña (University of Minho), Pedro Álvarez Mosquera (University of Salamanca), Rei Rodríguez (University of Santiago de Compostela and Instituto da Lingua Galega) and Xurxo Martínez (Servicio de Normalización Lingüística do Concello de Redondela) discussed multilingualism at a global and local scale from the perspective of psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and linguistic policies. 37 students explosed their knowledge clips, which included interviews to multilingual speakers of Galicia, Spain, Europe, Africa and Asia. The news can be read here: https://www.uvigo.gal/universidade/comunicacion/duvi/filoloxia-traducion....

We are extremelly grateful to the plenary speakers and the students for the inspiring work!

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