Lucía Loureiro-Porto
Full Professor, University of the Balearic Islands
ViEW Member
- 1998: BA in English Language and Literature. University of Santiago de Compostela.
- 1998-1999: Language Scholar at Reed College, Portland, Oregon.
- 1999-2001: MA in English Language and Linguistics. University of Santiago de Compostela.
- 2001-2004: Pre-doctoral researcher funded by the Autonomous Government of Galicia.
- 2002: MA dissertation. University of Santiago de Compostela.
- 2005: PhD dissertation. University of Santiago de Compostela. [Title: The semantic predecessors of need: From Old to Early Modern English. Supervisor: Elena Seoane].
- July-September 2005: Research assistant at Ramón Piñeiro Institute for Research in the Humanities.
- September 2005-2011: Associate Professor at the University of the Balearic Islands.
- 2011-2024: Tenured Associate Professor at the University of the Balearic Islands.
- 2024 onwards: Full Professor at the University of the Balearic Islands.
Contact information:
Departament de Filologia Espanyola, Moderna i Clàssica
Edifici Ramon Llull
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5
E-07122 Palma de Mallorca, SPAIN
Phone: +34 971259763
Office: RL BD05
Research Activities
- Awards
- 2002: MA dissertation extraordinary award. University of Santiago de Compostela.
- 2004: AEDEAN grant for junior investigators.
- 2010: ESSE Book Award for junior scholars in the category English Language and Linguistics. [Monograph The semantic predecessors of need in the history of English (c750-1710) (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009)].
- Editorial boards & Scientific committees
- 2010-2022: Member of the editorial board of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos.
- 2012- : Member of the scientific committee of the SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea) conferences.
- 2016-2019: Convenor of the Sociolinguistics & Dialectology panel at the annual conferences of AEDEAN (Spanish Association for English and American Studies).
- 2017- : Member of the Scientific Committee of RAEL (Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada).
- 2019- : Co-editor of the book series English Studies, published by Edicions UIB.
- Organization of research meetings
- 2010: Workshop "Modelling language contact: linguistic data and interdisciplinary approaches", co-convenor, jointly with Johannes Kabatek (Zürich), at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Vilnius, Lithuania, 2-5 September 2010).
- 2017: Workshop "Morphosyntactic Variation in World Englishes: Apparent-time and diachronic studies", co-convenor, jointly with Cristina Suárez-Gómez (UIB) and Robert Fuchs (Hamburg), at the 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (Vigo, Spain, 28-30 September 2017).
- 2018: Workshop “Democratization in English(es): Synchronic and diachronic perspectives”, co-convenor, jointly with Turo Hiltunen (Helsinki) at ICAME 39 (Tampere, Finland, 30 May - 3 June 2018).
- Invited talks and lectures
- I have given invited talks and/or lectures at Bamberg, Barcelona (satellite “Variation and Contact in Languaging: Ecological and Complex Approaches”, ECCS’13), Cantabria (5th International Conference on Language and Literature: Intersections in the Study of Modern Languages), Hamburg (Hamburg Talks on Current Issues in World Englishes), Jaén, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Leuven, Lyon (workshop “Complexity in Language: Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives”), Madrid (4th International UCM Predoctoral Conference on English Linguistics - UPCEL 2022), Sevilla and Tübingen.
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PhD Supervision
- I supervised the PhD dissertation of Héctor Agrafojo Blanco (UVigo, 2020, jointly with Elena Seoane), and I am currently supervising the PhDs of Heidi Douglas (UVigo, jointly with Elena Seoane) and of Marina Pérez-Martín (UIB).
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- I have taught different undergraduate and postgraduate courses on English Linguistics, with special reference to English Grammar, Language Variation and Change, Sociolinguistics, and Methodology of the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language. This year I teach Introduction to English Linguistics and English Lexicology (undergraduate, 2nd year).
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My main interests in ViEW
- Modals and semi-modals of necessity in World Englishes, with special reference to their degree of grammaticalization.
- Colloquialization and democratization as factors accounting for ongoing changes in Asian Englishes.
- Americanization of World Englishes (native, non-native and official, and L2 varieties).
- Compilation of ICE Gibraltar (ICE-GBR). Within this project, we have already compiled the written component and we are currently working on the compilation of the spoken component (with Elena Seoane, Cristina Suárez-Gómez and Heidi Douglas).
Publications on World Englishes
- (Submitted), Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Language variation and crisis communication: The effects of COVID-19 in World Englishes".
- (Forthcoming, 2025) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & José Luis Ariza-Fernández. "Nonbinary Pronouns in X (Twitter) Bios: Gender and identity in online spaces". Special Issue on CMC and social media corpora, ed. by Ignacio Palacios-Martínez, Mario Cal-Varela & Francisco Javier Fernández-Polo in Research in Corpus Linguistics 13(1): 171-196. DOI:
- (2024) Seoane, Elena & Lucía Loureiro-Porto. "A diachronic corpus-pragmatic approach to democratization: The evolution of newspaper editorials, 1860-1970". Special Issue Corpus-pragmatic studies of democratization in public discourses, ed. by Turo Hiltunen, Turo Vartiainen & Jenni Räikkönen in Journal of Historical Pragmatics 25(2): 215–244. DOI:
- (2024) Seoane, Elena, M.G. Sanchez, Lucía Loureiro-Porto and Cristina Suárez-Gómez (eds.). Gibraltarians and their Language - 22 Linguistic Biographies. Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo. [Reviewed by Charles Durante on YGTV].
- (2024) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "He speak very careful English: A view on prescriptivism in two outer-circle varieties of English". In Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, María E. Rodríguez-Gil & Javier Pérez-Guerra (eds.), New Horizons in Prescriptivism Research. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 161-185. ISBN 9781800416147.
- (2024) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Pragmatic Markers in World Englishes. Kind of and sort of as a case in point. IULMA Monografías 7. Valencia: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València - PUV. ISBN 978-84-1118-306-2; 156 pp. DOI:
- (2023) Seoane, Elena, Suárez-Gómez, Cristina, Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Douglas, Heidi. International corpus of English-Gibraltar (ICE-GBR). DOI: [Data set].
- (2021) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Linguistic democratization in HKE across registers: The effects of prescriptivism". Research in Corpus Linguistics 9/2: 64–89. DOI:
- (2021) "Linguistic colloquialisation, democratisation and gender in Asian Englishes". In Tobias Bernaisch (ed.), Gender in World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 176-204. DOI
- (2020) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "(Un)democratic epicene pronouns in Asian Englishes: A register approach". Special issue Journal of English Linguistics 48(3): 282-313. DOI:
- (2020) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Turo Hiltunen. "Democratization and gender-neutrality in English(es)". Special issue Journal of English Linguistics 48(3): 215-232. DOI:
- (2020) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Turo Hiltunen (eds.). Democratization and Gender-neutrality in English(es). Special issue Journal of English Linguistics 48(3).
- (2020) Cristina Suárez-Gómez, Lucía Loureiro-Porto & Robert Fuchs (eds.). World Englishes and Grammatical Variation. Special issue World Englishes 39(3).
- (2020) Cristina Suárez-Gómez, Lucía Loureiro-Porto & Robert Fuchs. "Introduction". World Englishes and Grammatical Variation. Special issue World Englishes 39(3): 370-376. DOI:
- (2020) Hiltunen, Turo & Lucía Loureiro-Porto (eds.). New Perspectives on Democratization: Evidence from English(es). Special issue Language Sciences 79, May 2020.
- (2020) Hiltunen, Turo & Lucía Loureiro-Porto. "Democratization of Englishes: Synchronic and diachronic approaches". Special issue Language Sciences 79, May 2020, 101275. DOI:
- (2020) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Singular THEY in Asian Englishes: A case of linguistic democratization?". In Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: Systemic, Synchronic and Diachronic Variation in English, ed. by Paloma Núñez-Pertejo, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya & Javier Pérez-Guerra. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 187-209. DOI:
- (2019) "Grammaticalization of semi-modals of necessity in Asian Englishes". English World-Wide 40(2): 115-142. DOI
- (2018) Seoane, Elena, Cristina Suárez-Gómez and Lucía Loureiro-Porto. " The ICE project looks at Iberia: The International Corpus of Gibraltar English". In María Ferrández San Miguel and Claus-Peter Neuman (eds.). Taking Stock to Look Ahead: Celebrating Forty Years of English Studies in Spain. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 241-247. DOI (book):
- (2018) Gonçalves, Bruno, Lucía Loureiro-Porto, José J. Ramasco & David Sánchez. "Mapping the Americanization of English in Space and Time". PLoS ONE 13(5): e0197741. DOI:
- (2017) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Cristina Suárez-Gómez "Language contact in Gibraltar English: A pilot study with ICE-GBR." English as a Contact Language: Variation and diffusion. ed. by José A. Sánchez-Fajardo and Ignacio Palacios-Martínez. Special Issue of Alicante Journal of English Studies (RAEI) 30: 93-119. DOI:
- (2017) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. “ICE vs GloWbE: Big data and corpus compilation”. World Englishes 36.3: 448-470. DOI:
- (2016) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. “(Semi-)modals of necessity in Hong Kong and Indian Englishes”. In World Englishes: New Theoretical and Methodological Considerations (Varieties of English Around the World, G57), ed. by E. Seoane & C. Suárez-Gómez (ISBN 9789027249173). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp 143-172. DOI (chapter):
Publications on other topics
- (2017) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Maxi San Miguel. "Language choice in a multilingual society: A view from Complexity Science". In Complexity in Language: Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives, ed. by Salikoko Mufwene, Christophe Coupé & François Pellegrino (ISBN 9781107054370). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-217. DOI:
- (2015) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Review of Alejandro Alcaraz-Sintes & Salvador Valera-Hernández (eds.). Diachrony and Synchrony in English Corpus Linguistics (Linguistic Insights 181, Bern: Peter Lang). Atlantis 37.2: 259-264.
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Teaching Sociolinguistics after the Bologna Declaration or how to achieve basic skills using TV materials". In Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain, ed. by Rosario Arias, Miriam López Rodríguez, Antonio Moreno Ortiz & Chantal Pérez Hernández. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga. ISBN: 978-84-616-6917-2.
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. “Modal necessity and impersonality in English and Galician”. In English Modality: Core, Periphery and Evidentiality, edited by Juana Marín-Arrese, Marta Carretero, Jorge Arús Hita & Johan van der Auwera. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 171-200. DOI (Chapter):
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Morphological productivity as a trigger of the þurfan / need replacement". In Periphrasis, replacement and renewal: Studies in English historical linguistics, ed. by Irén Hegedüs & Dóra Pödör. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.34-56.
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Johannes Kabatek (eds.), Language competition and linguistic diffusion: Interdisciplinary models and case studies. Special issue, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 221. DOI:
- (2013) Kabatek, Johannes & Lucía Loureiro-Porto. "Mathematical models meet linguistic data and vice versa: An introduction to this special issue". Special issue, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 221: 1-10. DOI:
- (2013) Castelló, Xavi, Lucía Loureiro-Porto & Maxi San Miguel. "Agent-based models of language competition". Special issue, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 221: 21-52. DOI:
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Review of Cristiano Furiassi, Virginia Pulcini and Félix Rodríguez González (eds.). The Anglicization of European Lexis (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins). Atlantis 35.1: 201-206.
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Review of Kristin Davidse, Lieven Vandelanotte & Hubert Cuyckens (eds.). Subjectification, Intersubjectification and Grammaticalization (Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter). Journal of Historical Pragmatics 14.1: 131-137. DOI:
- (2012) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "On the relationship between subjectification, grammaticalization and constructions. Evidence from the history of English". Journal of Historical Pragmatics 13.2: 232-258. DOI:
- (2011) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía, Marta Fernández Morales & Cristina Suárez-Gómez. Guía de apoyo para la realización de presentaciones orales en lengua inglesa y para el autoaprendizaje del alumnado. Palma: Universitat de les Illes Balears (Institut de Ciències de l'Educació. Oficina de Convergència i Harmonització Europea. Dipòsit legal: PM 184-2011).
- (2011) Castelló, Xavi, Federico Vázquez, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Lucía Loureiro-Porto, Maxi San Miguel, Laetitia Chapel & Guillaume Deffuant “Viability and resilience in the dynamics of language competition". In Viability and resilience of complex systems. Concepts, methods and case studies from ecology and society, edited by Gillaume Deffuant & Nigel Gilbert. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 39-74. DOI (chapter):
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Verbo-nominal constructions of necessity with þearf n. and need n.: Competition and grammaticalization from OE to eModE". English Language and Linguistics 14.3: 373-397. DOI:
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "A review of Early English impersonals: Evidence from necessity verbs". English Studies 91.6: 674-699. DOI:
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Epistemicity and grammaticalization in English necessity verbs and verbo-nominal constructions". In Proceedings of the 33rd AEDEAN International Conference, ed. by Rafael Galán Moya et al. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, pp. 256-266.
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Alternancia lingüística en Dexter: razones, intenciones y problemas de doblaje". In Dexter: ética y estética de un asesino en serie, ed. by Patricia Trapero. Palma de Mallorca: Editorial Laertes-Edicions UIB, pp. 203-225.
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Review of Roberta Corrigan, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali & Kathleen M. Wheatley (eds.). Formulaic language. Vol. I: Distribution and historical change. (Typological Studies in Language 82, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009). Folia Linguistica 44/1: 239-247. DOI:
- (2009) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. The semantic predecessors of need in the history of English (c750-1710). (Publications of the Philological Society 43). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405192705; 273 pp. [Reviewed by Alejandro Alcaraz in Atlantis. Official Journal of the Spanish Association for English and American Studies 33.2 (2011): 161-168].
- (2009) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "More on the idiosyncrasy of Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwit: Behove as a (modal) verb of necessity". Folia Linguistica Historica 30: 247-270. DOI:
- (2008) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "The convergence of two need verbs in Middle English". In English Historical Linguistics 2006. Vol. II: Lexical and semantic change, ed. by Richard Dury, Maurizio Gotti & Marina Dossena. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 97-116. DOI (chapter):
- (2008) Castelló, Xavi, RiittaToivonen, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Lucía Loureiro-Porto, Jari Sarmäki, Kimmo Kaski & Maxi San Miguel. "Modelling language competition: Bilingualism and complex social networks". In The evolution of language. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (EVOLANG7), edited by Andrew D.M. Smith, Kenny Smith & Ramon Ferrer i Cancho. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 59-66. DOI (chapter):
- (2008) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. “Logical relations between necessity and possibility: Evidence from Old and Middle English”. In Proceedings of the 31st AEDEAN International Conference, ed. by María Jesús Lorenzo Modia. La Coruña: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Coruña, pp. 279-289.
- (2007) Castelló, Xavi, Lucía Loureiro-Porto, Víctor M. Eguíluz & Maxi San Miguel. “The fate of bilingualism in a model of language competition”. In Advancing social simulation. The First World Congress, ed. by Shingo Takahashi, David Sallach & Juliette Rouchier. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 83-94. DOI (chapter):
- (2007) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, translators. Glosario de termos para a avaliación de linguas. Xunta de Galicia. ISBN 8445345825 [translation into Galician of Multilingual glossary of language testing terms, Cambridge: CUP].
- (2007) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. “The syntax of behove in Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwit”. In Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference, ed. by María Losada Friend, Pilar Ron Vaz, Sonia Hernández Santano & Jorge Casanova. Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva. [CD-Rom]
- (2005) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. The semantic predecessors of need: From Old to Early Modern English. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN 8497505638. [CD-ROM]
- (2005) Seoane, Elena & Lucía Loureiro-Porto. "On the colloquialization of scientific British and American English". ESP Across Cultures 2: 106-118
- (2005) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Force dynamics: The key for an interpretation of modal necessity in Old English", Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CVI.2: 211-227.
- (2005) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Review of David Hart, ed. English modality in context. Diachronic perspectives. (Linguistic Insights Series 11). Bern: Peter Lang, 2003. In SEDERI Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies 15: 157-161, ed. by Jorge Figueroa, Clara Calvo & Javier Pérez-Guerra.
- (2004) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "A corpus-based approach to eModE have need." In SEDERI Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies 14: 217-226, ed. by Luciano García García, Jesús López-Peláez Casellas, Eugenio Olivares Merino & Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén.
- (2003) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Semantics of the Old English predecessors of Present-Day English need: Gradience in root necessity". In Fifty years of English studies in Spain (1952-2002). A commemorative volume, ed. by Ignacio Palacios, María José López-Couso, Patricia Fra & Elena Seoane. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, pp. 321-327
- (2002) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Gramaticalización de algunos modales de necesidad en la historia del inglés: un estudio de corpus" ['The grammaticalization of necessity modals in the history of English: A corpus-based study']. Interlingüística 13: 393-404 (Actas del XVII Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Lingüistas, Alicante, 18-20 abril de 2002). Alicante: Universidad de Alicante.
- (2002) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. “The translation of the songs in Disney’s Beauty and the beast: An example of manipulation”. Miscelánea. A Journal of English and American Studies 25: 121-141.
Presentations on other topics
- (2013) Loureiro-Porto, L. "Modelling language contact: The unbearable lightness of complexity", 19 September, keynote speaker in the workshop Variation and Contact in Languaging: Ecological and Complex Approaches, within the European Conference on Complex Systems, University of Barcelona (Spain).
- (2012) Loureiro-Porto, L. “Teaching sociolinguistics after the Bologna Declaration or how to achieve basic skills using TV materials”, 14-16 November, 36th AEDEAN Conference, University of Málaga (Spain).
- (2011) Loureiro-Porto, L. “The complexity of social interactions in language competition: Agent-based models and complex networks”, 23-24 May, invited fifty-minute lecture at the symposium Complexity in Language: Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives, organized by Alain Peyraube and Salikoko S. Mufwene at the University of Lyon 2 (France).
- (2011) Loureiro-Porto, L. "Competition and grammaticalization of modal verbs and expressions in the history of English" and "Finding medieval English patterns in the 21st Century", 16-17 May, invited lectures at the III Ciclo de Conferencias de Lingüística Histórica Inglesa, University of Jaén (Spain).
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes. “On the adjectival-nominal cline: Some evidence from Old English”, 11-13 November, 34th AEDEAN International Conference, University of Almería (Spain).
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, L. “La conversacionalización del lenguaje televisivo: el caso de Dexter", 20-22 October, IV Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Literarios de Cultura Popular, University of the Balearic Islands (Spain).
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, L. “Modal necessity and impersonality in English and Galician”, 9-11 September, 4th International Conference on Modality in English (ModE4), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, Lucía & Johannes Kabatek, workshop convenors: "Modelling language contact: linguistic data and interdisciplinary approaches", 2-5 September, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Vilnius (Lithuania).
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, L. "The þurfan /need replacement: Has morphological productivity anything to do with it?", 23-27 August, 16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL16), University of Pécs (Hungary).
- (2010) Loureiro-Porto, L. "Dinámica social en el contacto de lenguas: un enfoque interdisciplinar", 30 June, invited talk at the colloquium Aktuelle Themen der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft, University of Tübingen (Germany).
- (2009) "Bilingualism, language death and language birth in language contact situations", 23-27 November, poster presented at the international conference Darwin09, 150 Years after Darwin: From Molecular Evolution to Language, held at the University of the Balearic Islands [joint poster with Xavi Castelló, Víctor M. Eguíluz and Maxi San Miguel, IFISC, CSIC-UIB].
- (2009) “Epistemicity and grammaticalization in English necessity verbs and verbo-nominal constructions”, 12-14 November, 33rd AEDEAN Conference, University of Cádiz (Spain).
- (2009) “Local effects of global languages: evidence from language modelling”, 9-12 September, 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Lisbon (Portugal), [joint paper with Xavi Castelló & Maxi San Miguel, IFISC, CSIC-UIB]
- (2008) “Myths and facts on the evolution of Early English impersonals: evidence from necessity verbs”, 13-15 November, 32nd International AEDEAN Conference, University of the Balearic Islands (Spain).
- (2008) “'Ye had nede send a man by-fore, in all hast': The history of verbo-nominal expressions of necessity”, 24-30 August, Fifteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (15ICEHL), University of Munich (Germany).
- (2008) “On the grammaticalization of the periphrastic modals of necessity in English”, 16-19 July, New Reflections on Grammaticalization 4 (NRG4), University of Leuven (Belgium).
- (2008) “Vacunar las carpetas: cruzando fronteras políticas y lingüísticas" [‘Vacunar las carpetas (lit. 'Vaccinating the folders'): crossing political and linguistics borders’], 1-4 July, plenary presentation at the Summer Course Espacios urbanos y expresión cultural: El inglés como lengua franca, University of the Balearic Islands (Spain).
- (2007) “Logical relations between necessity and possibility: Evidence from Old and Middle English”, 14-17 November, 31st International AEDEAN Conference, University of A Coruña (Spain).
- (2007) “Searching for centres on the margins: English language, creole languages, national languages?”, 2-6 July, plenary presentation at the summer course Centres i margis de la cultura anglòfona: Cinema, llengua i literatura [‘Centres and margins of anglophone culture: Cinema, language, literature’], University of the Balearic Islands (Spain)
- (2007) "It need not be so hard to figure out: Verbal epistemic necessity in the history of English", 24-26 May, Tenth Nordic Conference for English Studies, University of Bergen (Norway).
- (2006) “The expression of verbal necessity in Ayenbite of Inwit”, 14-16 December, 30th International AEDEAN Conference, University of Huelva (Spain).
- (2006) “Need v.1 and need v.2: Semantic and syntactic convergence in Middle English” 21-25 August, 14 ICEHL (Fourteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics), University of Bergamo, (Italy).
- (2006) "Dan Michel's use of behove in Ayenbite of Inwit", 24-26 April, First International IDEA Conference: “Studies in English”, Bogazici University, Istanbul, (Turkey).