Ricardo Pavón Téllez

I have a BA in English Studies (2015) from the Universities of Granada and Nottingham.
In 2021 I completed an MA in Secondary School and Language Education from the University of Vigo, with an MA thesis entitled "Second language Acquisition before and during the pandemic: Gamification in the traditional and virtual classroom".
I am currently enroled in another MA in Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts from the University of the Basque Country.
My PhD dissertation is on variability in the clausal complementation of forget in World Englishes and is supervised by Elena Seoane and Raquel P. Romasanta. Its title is 'Variation in the clausal complementation system in World Englishes: A corpus-based study of FORGET'
IDAES Graduate day 2023 - 24th MAY 2023, 'Variation in the clausal complementation system in World Englishes: A corpus-based study of FORGET'